( Cong. Isidro Ungab playing chess with Atty. Jong Guevarra Jr. during
the Toril Class B tourney held last Dec. 17 and 18, 2011 )
The Toril Absolute (Premier) Chess Championships is set on January 7,
8, and 14, 2012. The tournament will be a 9 round swiss system event.
Venue will be the Toril Chess Club. Playing time is 40 mins/game.
Registration fee is peg at P 100.00/player.
( Cong. Ungab together with the officers of the Metro Toril Chess Club )
The tourney is open to all Toril District and affiliated players only.
Those players who were members of the victorious Metro Toril team in
the 1st Philippine Internet match against BW-Manila are also allowed
to play. Top players seeing action would include CM Jimmy Dano,
Vincent Umayan, Nofre Reyes, Engr. Werner Priete, Nofre Reyes, Lito
Laput, Henry Fajardo, Atty. Jong Guevarra, Engr. Nap Recososa, Chris
Yap, Engr. Jun Atmosfera and Zaldy Tabanao. Toril's rising stars such
as Austin Jacob Literatus, John Ray Batucan, Neptali Batucan, Anthony
Mosqueda and Adrian Llanos are also among those seing action.
( Participants of the Toril Class B tourney pondering their moves.. )
The tournament is sponsored by Cong. Isidro Ruy Ungab of the 3rd
District of Davao City and supported by Atty. Jong Guevarra Jr.
The event is organizedby the Metro Toril Chess Association (MTCA)in
coordination with the Chess Excellence Ltd. Co. Chief Arbiter is
Alfred Moulic with Cecilio Acas as assistant arbiter. Registration
is now on going at the Guevarra Law Office, de Guzman St., Toril,
Davao City with tel. no. 291-4087. Regisration deadline will be at
12 noon of January 7, 2012. Players are encouraged to bring their
own chessboards and chess clocks to lessen the burden of the
( The players of the Metro Toril Chess Club- Davao Team who won the 1st Philippine Internet Chess Match vs. Barangay Wesley (BW)- Manila team )
Prizes are as follows:
Champion - P 7,000.00 + chess book
1st runner-up 4,000.00
2nd runner-up 2,500.00
3rd runner-up 1,500.00
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